Sippin Tea with Joey & Marie

Sippin With Football: Chiefs or Eagles?

Joey Bravo & Aaliyah Marie Season 8 Episode 9

It's Super Bowl week & we are joined by football fanatic K-I to the K.O to talk the big game from Chiefs vs Eagles, to movie trailers, commercials & the Kendrick Lamar half-time performance. What we expect out predictions on the outcome of the game & more!

Plus "Companion" movie review starring Jack Quaid about an unorthodox love story with a big twist! The story of a Mexican icon is coming to the small screen! If you grew up watching "El Chavo Del Ocho" & "Chapolin Colorado", then you're going to be excited about this!

All this plus and more. Time to sip some tea with Joey & Marie....and Kiko! 

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